Girlfriend! Your "Get RICH" Action Plan is Here!

Girlfriend!  Let's Get R.I.C.H and Live!  

     "The 10 BIGGEST Money Lessons Every Woman Needs to
     Create Financial Freedom, and Manifest Her Dreams!" 

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The Girlfriend! Book Club & Conversation!
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November 8th – December 13th 2022

FREE Six-Week Course
Build Your 2023
Get RICH Action Plan for Success!

    In This FREE 6-Week Course, You Will Receive:

The "Let's Get RICH and Live" Mandate is a clarion call for Girlfriends around the world to make friends with money using the acronym R.I.C.H. as a guide to inPower her to:

R  Respect Her Value
I –  Invest in "Get RICH" Soil
C – Command Her Cashflow
H –Honor Her Faith, Family,
       and Future
Too many "Girlfriends" live beneath their R.I.C.H. potential partly because societal systems set us up for failure from the beginning by not teaching financial literacy which, left most of us feeling unqualified in financial matters; therefore, many women remain silent about money altogether. After all, it would be too embarrassing to tell a Girlfriend your real money story. 
Or would it?

What if I told you most of us experience financial roadblocks, setbacks, and hiccups we are not proud of, and the average woman has a money story or two she wishes she could go back and rewrite!

The truth is, most of us want one thing! The freedom to
live a life of abundance on our terms with the people we love and who love us! 
For this reason, the
"Let's Get RICH and Live Mandate" makes it possible for every woman to start from where she is, with what she has, and become as RICH and Powerful as she desires to be! You have the FREEDOM to Decide!

God created you with wealth etched in your
DNA which is why you will
never escape the desire for a fuller, more meaningful, overflowing life…and that is why this book is written with a mission to spark
"Get Rich Conversations" amongst Girlfriends who want more out of life than a mere existence!

Imagine…Girlfriends Inspiring Girlfriends to “Get RICH and Live!” Every woman will be empowered to come out of the closest of shame because this book will enable her to carry on a “Get RICH Conversation with Clarity,
Confidence, and Courage"!
About the Author       
Dr. Sonya R. Hamm, The MonEyMotions Coach
Dr. Sonya R. Hamm is a multi-gifted speaker, rising prophetic voice, teacher, author, personal finance educator, and business coach. She is known for her captivating style and dynamic ability to inspire and motivate her audience to reach beyond the breaks in life and use every obstacle as a catalyst to create and live a maximized life! “Empowered to Prosper” and “Why Prayer Doesn’t Work” are two of her authored books designed to inspire wealth consciousness for Kingdom expansion and teach the principles of effective prayer to bring forth Godly results.
Dr. Sonya is the visionary and founder of High Definition Women’s Network (HD Women), a women’s movement with a mission to help today’s new woman, “Emerge, Excel, and Expand in her Purpose, Power, and Profitability.” The vision for HD Women was born when Dr. Sonya recognized the role, position, and responsibilities of women have been forced to change, almost unnoticed because of the constant change in family structures and behaviors. As a result, the vision of HD Women’s Network is to be a vocal leader in exploring and bringing greater awareness to the roles, positions, and responsibilities of today’s new woman.

Through the HD Women’s Network—Women from all walks of life are empowered with tools, resources, and mentoring relationships purposed to help them discover or refine their purpose, embrace their power, and gain the education necessary to create a profitable future.

Money is a necessary part of life, just like oxygen, water, and food which is why the threefold mission of this book is to:

Provide ten practical money lessons to help every Girlfriend build a positive money relationship, create financial freedom, and confidently manifest her dream life!

Disrupt the silent shame, fear, and stress women often carry around money.


Inspire Girlfriends to start having "Get RICH Conversations" that motivate you to "Dominate Your Money" and "Get R.I.C.H.," and Live Life!

Girlfriend! The time of robbing yourself to take care of everybody else, racking up debt to impress others, cutting back, depriving yourself, living paycheck to the next day, worrying about how you will buy the house, send the kids to college, retire, or live your dream life, and the list goes on! Well! IT ALL ENDS NOW!

Girlfriend! Let's Get RICH and Live!